Wednesday, March 30, 2005


school finished up on monday, with our exam.
poo & i both passed our test! WAHOO!!!! now, on to studying for our state licensing exam...ugh!
i'm glad it's over, and i am happy we took the course.
don't know yet where it will lead us.....

we went to dinner at longhorn's again last night. we go there so often, they know us by name now! we eat there at least twice a week, and often times 3 or 4 times/week.
hey! remember, i am on the no-carb diet, so i can eat all the steak i want!!!
anyhow, we ran into the 'guys' last night. we are trying to settle on a date for our trip to new orleans. seems their schedule is full until memorial day. but, i may be working (yes, in real estate) in knows? maybe i will settle for a quick trip to key west.

boo & the guys leave for NYC this thursday for a 4 day weekend trip. i am envious! but they have alot of tickets to broadway shows, and lotsa money to shop with. so, i am certain they will have a great time.

for poo's Easter gift, i paid for her to have her hair done by my favorite stylist. btw, it looks fabulous!
anyhow, he invited us to go to Pride-fest this weekend, in lake worth. i'm looking forward to it. it promises to be alot of fun. i know, i know...i am never going to find a man, being a fag-hag (when they aren't calling me milf, they call me fag-hag). but at least i'm having fun!

not much else to say today. just wanted everyone to know that i am still alive & kickin'...

oh yeah....i am still waiting to hear the "official" announcement of gus-man's baby girl, Ava...she was born march 25th...

and, no resolve to my foundering gold issues yet. i did receive a letter from geoff turk, but it wasn't helpful...go figure!

more later....

song lyric of the day: "too high, can’t come down. losing my head. spinning round and round. do you feel me now?"

Saturday, March 26, 2005

digital currency loop

this weekend the gold casino (TGC) is having another contest, where i could possibly win some gold.

can i play??? NO!!!!
*all right, i admit, i should actually be studying for my exam, but i need some distraction*

apparently, if you refuse to use e-gold, you can't play.
i don't want to use e-gold. you may think that i am bitter that dj used me, cheated on me, and broke my ribs, but it goes deeper than that.
i could name more than enough reason's, such as bankruptcy, misappropriation, and illegal activities.
suffice it to say, imo e-gold is not stable enough for my gold.

soooo, i go to goldmoney. you all ready know that twisted tale.

next step? i contact TGC, asking how to fund my account with GM. they were very helpful, and understanding (and from what i hear, pretty amused at my calling doug ODCface!). however, their hands are proverbially tied. GM doesn't play well with others.
TGC suggested that i open an account with pecunix, and convert GM to pecunix, then fund TGC with that.

i open a pecunix account. i open yet another TGC account. ok, ready to play!
GM doesn't play well with pecunix either!
the following is the e-mail i received from pecunix regarding how to fund my account with GM:

Thank you for your e-mail.You would go through a PREO.
Try asking Vlad at
Pecunix Customer Services

--- Message at 2005-03-25 13:42:35 UTC ---
how do i fund my pecunix account with GoldMoney?

ok, lets get this straight.....
i buy gold through goldmoney.
wait three months to be able to spend said gold.
open a pecunix account.
open a forexgold account.
move the gold from GM to pecunix.
move the pecunix to forexgold.
move the forexgold to TGC.
*btw, i haven't even looked at yet, so there is most likely more hoops that i need to jump through.*

in a final desperate attempt, i contacted goldmoney, once again:
letter from me:
how can i fund my tgc account with goldmoney?
thank you!

reply from the geniuses of goldmoney:
Support replies,
We do not follow the nature of your query.

Funding anything other than a bank account in yourname with GoldMoney sales proceeds is not currently offered.
Whilst you may use the services of a cambio such as to transfer goldgrams into other e-goldfirms, we are not familiar with tgc or what your proposal is.
GoldMoney Support

we do not follow the nature of your query????
and yes, they are suggesting another hoop to jump through.

meanwhile, no gambling for me.

the rant continues...

song lyric of the day: "your words walk right through my ears. presuming i like what i hear. and now i'm stuck in the web you're spinning."

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

hell froze over

yep, that's right. i never thought i'd ever be writing this story....
the consummate bachelor.
mr. playa-never-settling-down.
a man whose dating nightmare stories rival mine!

my dear friend, Ken and his wonderful wife Cherri are the very proud parents of a beautiful baby boy.
born march 12th (which happens to be my boo's birthday!), weighing in at 6 lbs 4 oz, Brice Collyn.
i am ecstatically happy for them! if you want pictures, e-mail me or ken.
Ken, i wish you and your family a lifetime of love, happiness and serenity. i can't wait to see you all again! keep the pics coming!

as i seem to be the stork messenger, i should also add, i am waiting word from Gus-man on the announcement of his second blessed event. i believe sometime in april....

God, i'm feeling old. my baby just turned 19.
speaking of which....
we (boo's friends, poo, and i) planned and executed the perfect surprise party for him on the 12th.
we had a small intimate party at our friends home, then went to the gay bar-gay bar. it was completely decorated in pink & white balloons and streamers. they went all out for us. i will be posting the pic's later today (
it was a great party.

i'm still suffering from lack of sleep and brain mush. this is my final week of school. and, my freaking icp is broken AGAIN. so, i spend all day crawling around inside that stoopid instrument trying to fix it, and all night trying to digest a bazillion calculations.
after my test next week, i may (emphasis on may), be able to think and function again.

*oh, by the way (gotta write this while i'm thinking of it), nice lady....i got your message on my answering machine. i am in school until 11:00 p.m. if you want to talk, call my cell between 6:00 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. i miss you too!*

speaking of school, last night, my teacher asked me to go to lunch with him this week. this can't be a good sign.
i am guessing that he is going to tell me that i should save my money and not even bother to take the state exam. he obviously doesn't see the brilliance hiding behind this innocent demeanor *cough cough, choke choke, snort, gag, chuckle*
ok, in my defense, i am living on 4 hours of sleep/day. and by the time 9:00 p.m. rolls around, and i realize that i still have 1 or 2 more hours of class to go - my brain seizes.

here is a typical classroom exchange:
teacher: question 477. L, what is the amount of principal paid in the 145th month of a 30 year mortgage of $734,983 at 6% interest, using a VA loan, and the family has 18 kids, a dog and an iguana that shits on the son's bed?
L: um. what number are we on?
T: 477
L: a!
T: a? can anyone help L?
(this is when poo begins giggling and calling me "Nell")
L: b?
L: no, c!
T: that's right, the answer is D. D as in dumbass.

and poo is no help. she sleeps until noon (advantages of being unemployed), reads her book all day long. she is the freaking rainman of calculating mortgages! and me....well i am just the "nell" of real estate.

well, it'll all be over by this time next week...and i can finally sleep again! you know how much i value my sleep. i divorced husband #3 because he wouldn't let me sleep....

ok, some random thoughts before i open the damn books again....

last weekend, poo & i went to the gaybar-gaybar for the amateur stripper show. my hairstylist came in second place! i am posting his pic as well. damn, if he was only 5 years younger and straight....

GoldMoney update....
well, they FINALLY released my gold, to allow me to spend it. oh, but it doesn't end there, no....
even though it is stated on the gold casino's site, that you can use GM, you really can't.
apparently james turk has issues with gambling. bastard.

ok, other than my personal vendetta against doug jackson, here is a valid reason why goldmoney is superior to e-gold (which isn't saying much at this point):
rock and a hard place, eh?

btw, i personally recommend this site for any and all of your digital currency questions. i have much respect for this man (and i can say that about very few men).

*crawls away bashing hand into forehead....*


song lyric of the day (for Brice):
"here's to you my little one, with blessings from above. let the day begin"

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Gold Rant

ok, i am going to get this off my chest.
trying to support digital currencies is impossible!

don't get me wrong, i believe that the underlying premise of a gold-backed currency is the way to go.
but how freaking difficult are the 'major players' in this gold-game gonna make it???

if you have read any of my previous posts, you all ready know why i don't trust, so i won't slam them again (today).

my other choice?
goldmoney was founded by james turk, who supposedly is the genius behind gold-backed digital currency. he has patents, papers, and even a book.
but that isn't why i like him so well. i like james because he is the arch enemy of doug jackson. (yes, i am still bitter)

after checking out his site, i decided to open an account. it seemed so much easier than e-gold. with GM, you can deposit funds directly into your account from your checking/savings account. this means that you needn't go through third-party market-makers.

the following is the time line of my frustrations:

Jan 13, 2005
opened my account. followed every direction. gave detailed info of my checking account. called the special number given, to give 'verbal confirmation'.
i then received an e-mail stating, in part:
"Upon receipt of your funds, the goldgrams you purchased will be added to your Holding. You can confirm receipt of the goldgrams by logging into your holding."

VOILA!!! the money was immediately taken from my checking account! wow, that was easy!

Jan 18, 2005
after waiting 5 days to be able to spend my brand new gold...i contacted GM. "is there something else that i need to do to receive my gold?" <--- trying to be polite.

GM's reply?

"It usually takes one business day to complete your order if you place your goldgram order before 1 p.m. Eastern US time, or two business days if ordered after 1 p.m.
Therefore, you should be receiving your goldgrams later today (tuesday)."

ok, this was more than one or two days, but i let that slide.

*btw, this is not posted ANYWHERE on*

Jan 24, 2005
in a letter to GM, i asked (still trying to be polite), "what do i have to do to spend my gg? i have gold in my account, and cannot spend it."

turk's reply:
"when you buy goldgrams with an electronic debit from your bank account, the goldgrams are not available immediately for spending. GoldGrams purchased by electronic check are locked in your Holding for up to 90 days after purchase (lock phase)... The lock phase may be shortened once your written confirmation and a voided check have been submitted to GM, and your holding has been cap-verified.
You will receive a form in the mail that you need to sign and return along with a voided check from your bank account. Once we receive those from you in the mail, we will make the goldgrams available to you for spending..."

ok, ok...90 days....that really sucks.

i received their paperwork in february and sent it off Feb 13th.

*all the while i am missing out on vital gold casino gambling and contests

March 8, 2005

irritated, i send this note:
"have you even received my paperwork that i sent?"

"we have not yet received your details but will contact you as soon as we do."


March 16, 2005
"thank you for sending us your documentation to verify your identy....blah blah blah.....
Your holding has been upgraded to cap-verified status. You now have unrestricted use of the funds in your holding.

thank you for being screwed by GM <---- i didn't even get a 'reach-around' on this one!
so, to make a long story even longer....

where do i go from here?
back to the crooks at e-gold? i don't think so!

rant over....


other than my gold fiasco, life is busy these days.
still working and going to school at night. the good news is, i only have 4 or 5 more classes left.

we had a great surprise birthday party for Boo, this past weekend. we even had the gay bar, gay bar all decorated in pink and white balloons! i will try to get details and pics up for you as soon as i can function again....
the gay bar, gay bar is having an amature stripper night, this friday...i gotta get some "ones" and go!


song lyric of the day:
"all that shimmers in this world is sure to fade away, again"

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

brain stew

what do you get when you mix a full time job with school?
brain atrophy.

i began my real estate school this week.
this is my day:
get up at 4:20 a.m.
get to work by 6:00 a.m. <-- *if* i am lucky. because since the hurricanes wiped out the road i normally took to work, i have to take US1 now. I HATE US1!!!!
work until 3:00 p.m.
get home by 4:00 p.m. (again, if i am lucky cause of fucking US1)
leave for class at 4:45 p.m.
in class until 10:30 p.m.
home by 11:00 p.m. (by that time US1 is pretty quiet...all of the old folks are in bed)

multiply this by 3x per week, and factor in my advanced age.....VOILA!
brain death.

it's probably pretty obvious why i am taking the class.
i have been trying to get out of lab work for about 8 years now.
and now it seems as though there may not be a lab left here soon.
my ICP had a major meltdown this week.
water leaked in from the roof directly into my high voltage and electronics sections of the ICP. i won't have the instrument repaired until they fix the roof.
so, my lab is basically at a standstill.
which, fortunately allows me plenty of time for studying.

in addition to the broken ICP, there is citrus canker running rampant throughout our area now. most major groves are under quarentine, or being burned.

no citrus groves = no work for me.

ok, on to happier thoughts


vacation alert!

we...the 'boys' and i (and poo, of course), are planning our next vacation.
i think we are venturing to las vegas in september.
*can you tell that i live for vacations?*

anyhow, the guys go to vegas often, and have invited us.
i have never been there so i am excited.
i doubt that i will be able to wait until september for my next adventure, though.
i am thinking of taking off for a long weekend in new orleans, right after i finish school this month.
then again, there is always key west!

*famous key west story*

last may (right after i broke up with doug, for the first time), poo and i were on our way to palm beach for lunch and shopping.
it was the saturday of 'mothers day weekend'.
as we were headed down I95, the radio DJ announced that he was 'outta here for the weekend', he was going to key west.
i kinda sighed, and said, "awww, i wish we were going to key west."
without another thought, poo left I95, turned south on the turnpike, and 4 hours later we were at mile marker 1.
since we were dressed in our designer-shopping-in-palm-beach-clothes, and had no toiletries, we stopped at a wretched k-mart on islamorada. we bought horrible clothes and changed in the restroom of a burger king.
she called her husband from mile marker 22, and told him we probably wouldn't make it home from our "luncheon".
of course, he was livid, but he got over it.

poo and i had the time of our life. we drank tropical orgasms at mallory square watching the sunset.
we had dinner at a place called 'the naked lunch'.....the food sucked, but it was a clothing-optional restaurant.
then, we found a clothing-optional bar.
it was crazy! there is a man who does body painting. we had our breasts painted and walked all over the place topless!
mine actually looked enough like a bikini that i could walk in public without being arrested (and i did).
turns out that we were only in key west for sixteen hours, our hotel room for 4 hours. so we apparently drank for 12 hours.....WHEW!

ahhhh, memories....

enough for now...i have to study.


song lyric of the day: "december promise you made unto me. december whispers treachery."