Tuesday, April 26, 2005


i know. nearly 3 weeks since i've blogged. sue me.
i thought as i grew older, life would slow down.
oh, hell no.

let's see....where to begin....

last week, ex-husband #4 came for a visit. he stayed for nearly a week. he painted the entire house, and repaired my hurricane-damaged roof. it was good to see him again, he's back to his old self! he is completely in remission and as feisty as ever.

we spent the week entertaining him, going out for dinner and what-not. one night we took him to dinner with 'the guys'. thank God he isn't homophobic!!! during the course of the evening, he stepped outside for a cigarette, and one of the guys asked me..."soooo, whats the deal with you two? has he re-married or what?"
i looked him solemnly in the eye and said, "no, after we split up, he turned gay." oh my God!!! his chin hit the table, and he damn near came outta his seat!!! after the laughter died down, i told him i was just fuckin' with him, he is definitely straight! the disappointed look was priceless! (i am such the gay tease!) bitch!!!

that dinner was in fact, part of the 12 day celebration of one of their birthdays. he has declared that only he & Jesus can have a 12 day birthday. more on that further down....

anyhow, back to ex#4.... it was so ironic. i have finally turned into the woman that he always wanted me to be. i watch my weight, exercise & eat right, keep a tidy home, earn a decent salary, etc etc etc....
except, now there is nothing, chemistry wise, between us.
it makes me feel good, though, that i have finally earned his respect & admiration.

i went to see my world famous hairstylist last week. he thought he would try something new for me.
yeah, that's never a good sign....
he layered my hair...alot.
now, when my hair is styled correctly, i look like florence henderson from the brady bunch.
however, when my hair is left to fend for itself, i look more like alice cooper...UGH!!! i am afraid to go to bed with my hair wet, i will wake up looking like albert einstein.
i don't know how to tell him that i don't like it. he is so sensitive (and bitchy).
now that i think about it, he *did* buy me a baseball cap (it says MILF on it). hmmm, maybe he was trying to tell me something?


this past friday (april 22), boo had his tonsils removed. he is slowly recovering. it seems terribly painful, and he is sleeping alot. so, i have been playing nurse all weekend.

i'm not sure if he remembers it or not...but....
while we were in the pre-op, he had all ready been given mild sedatives. he was awake, but pretty high. anyhow, i took his cell phone (equipped with a camera), and took lots of pictures of him in his cute little surgical hat. i am certain that when he regains his strength, he's gonna get even with me...


this upcoming saturday (april 30), is the actual date of our friends birthday. i had no idea what to get him. he has everything that he wants, and gets what he wants all the time. he has an entire room of unused gifts (he swears he isn't a re-gifter...HA!) sooooo, i turn to the best resource i have....google.
i typed in "gifts for gay men". wow! lots of sites for that!! there is even a site called "gay-mart".
stay tuned for details and pics of the celebration!
i finally decided on 'queer bear' from www.ballsybear.com


with that, april will be over. where does the time go?
my weekends are pretty much booked until mid-june. may is full: mothers day, memorial day, and two weekends set aside for 'someone special'...
the first weekend in june is gay-days at disney world. yep, we are going! just in case you're interested: www.gaydays.com
oh, and my cousin (near pittsburgh) is getting married in late june, and it is presumed by all, that i will attend.


song lyric of the day: "ticking away the moments that make up a dull day. fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way. kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown. waiting for someone or something to show you the way."

Thursday, April 07, 2005

random thoughts....



it's official, on march 25, 2005 Ava Ryan was born! weighing in at 7lbs 12oz and as her proud daddy says "with a hint of strawberry blonde hair". Congratulations James & Adrienne!!! i am so happy for you both!
she is beautiful!!! if you want to see pictures, email either me or gus.
does this mean that the gus-man has resigned himself to 'the family life'?
no more Idle Time?
inquiring fans need to know! :)


last night we had dinner at longhorn's with the guys. they are really over the top. the topic of conversation was "hot carl's" & "hot carl's under glass". if you don't know what a hot carl is, then you might want to 'google' it, as i am not explaining that one. i am not into the 'carl' stuff, but you know what they say...YKIOK,IJNMK Your Kink is OK, It's Just Not My Kink...
anyhow, it was a truly entertaining evening (not to mention informative).


one of boo's friends has invited me to go with her & her girlfriend to a fetish club. this is going to be interesting. i have heard about these clubs, but i have never been to one. stay tuned for updates on this one!


gold update....
my gold is still in lockdown at GM. but apparently i have managed to draw the attention of some gold fans. someone posted a comment to my rant concerning gold. he (i am assuming it is a 'he'), even went as far as to suggest that i don't need to gamble. HA! he obviously doesn't know me! :)
seriously, what else is there to do with digital gold?


weekend plans?
well, i was supposed to drive to melbourne for some fun this weekend, but i think i may postpone that til the end of the month. instead, i am going to the gaybar-gaybar for updates on how the 'hot carl date' went....yuk!

next weekend, my 4th ex-husband is supposed to drive down to help begin repairs on my house.

God, i am really running outta stuff to say when i begin talking about ex-husbands....

'nuff for now....

song lyric of the day (for Ava): "lovely girl you're the beauty in my world"
(it's the only appropriate line from that song that i could come up with)

Monday, April 04, 2005

i'll take "things you shouldn't do when you're hungover" for $1000, alex

i am always saying that i don't have a life.
that i need to 'get a life'.
well, i think it snuck up on me. i have come to realize i do have a life. a rather busy one at that.

it is currently monday morning, 7:00 a.m., and this is the first chance i've had to answer e-mails and blog. good thing my job is so slow right now, i have a chance to rest up before the next weekend!

it all started this past friday morning. the 'thelma & louise' feeling struck me. so, i called my 'thelma' (poo), and told her to pack a bag. at least this time i gave her time to pack.

by 1:00, we were on the highway. we drove down to hollywood to the seminole reservation. we stayed at the hard rock casino. of course, she just left a note for her husband...not a good thing. or perhaps having my cell phone with me was not the 'good thing'. he found us just as we were entering the casino. she calmed him down after a few phone calls, and all was good.

the hotel is super! very new, very nice. there are lots of stores and restaurants and nightclubs. the casino lacks alot, though. not that i am bitter or anything (i lost $300), but it just isn't a "real" casino. the slot machines are all video machines (they don't even have slots, or 'arms'). the poker tables are lame at best. you don't even drink for free while gambling.
we then put on our finest clubbing clothes and went out to the clubs in the resort. really nice clubs! we found one, where ladies drink for free til midnight....WAHOO!!! however, if you want to sit down, in that particular club, you have to buy a $200 bottle of booze. we stayed there until we couldn't stand any longer!
all in all, it is a really nice resort, and we will most likely return.

saturday morning, we woke up and went back to the casino. i recouped some of my losses, not nearly enough, but some.
we left the hard rock around 1:00, and made it to west palm by 2:00. poo had coerced me into going for jeopardy try-outs that were being held that day. yep, i'm a loser. didn't weird al do a song (about a zillion years ago) called 'i lost on jeopardy'? anyhow, i missed it by one freakin' question! never, ever try out for a game show with a pounding hangover! ok, in all fairness, even stone sober, i would have missed the question. i don't know nuthin' 'bout no stoopid muppets. let's see, i know kermit & miss piggy. but who in the hell is dr. bunsen honeydew??? ah well, it was fun.
i did play against opponents and won my round. i got some sort of time-life book of the greatest pictures of all time, or something like that.
poo wasn't being unselfish in her quest for my jeopardy appearance. she only wanted me to win, so we would get a trip to LA, so she could go on 'the price is right'.
she is a 'price is right' junkie. no one is allowed to call or come over between 11 & 12 every weekday. she gets pretty pissed if you interrupt her bob barker hour.

on to sunday morning....
my phone rings early, it is my favorite hairstylist. he wants to make sure that we are still going to 'pridefest'. we had promised him earlier in the week, that we would go with him.
so, we get dressed and we're off again.
this was my first venture into a pridefest type thing. we were too late for the parade, but it was still alot of fun. there were nearly 10,000 people there. quite a diverse crowd. the master of ceremonies was our local weatherman. we love him! of course we all ready knew he was gay (my hairstylist told us), but we didn't realize how 'out there' he was! there were lots of drag shows. and my hairstylist even performed as a backup dancer in one of the shows. (pictures --> http://photos.yahoo.com/lr772) i even got my picture taken with tina turner...errr, a tina turner with a penis, that is!
poo took home dozens of the free condoms, and i took home a nice sunburn.

later that night, we went to have dinner at a local mexican joint.
got home by 9, in bed by 10. what a crazy weekend!

boo arrived home safely from his trip to NYC late sunday night. he and his friends took a 4 day weekend to see some shows and do some shopping.
he always brings me back a nice souvenir. this time he brought me porn.
it is a video of women doing it 'in the rear'. he bought it in chinatown. he asked one of the chinese men for a movie on bondage. apparently the chinese fellow didn't speak english too well and thought boo asked for big dix. i guess if you say bondage with a strong chinese accent, it would sound like big dix...?
well, boo was too embarrassed to re-ask, so i have a girls-getting-it-in-the-rear-with-big-dicks movie.
i hope it is better quality than "black at the ranch".....hee hee hee!


my friend oz sent me this:


Issue Date Forecast Parameter and 1950-2000 3 December 1 April
Climatology (in parentheses)
2004 vs 2005
Named Storms (NS) 2004 - 11 2005 - 13
Named Storm Days (NSD) 2004 - 55 2005 - 65
Hurricanes (H) 2004 - 6 2005 - 7
Hurricane Days (HD) 2004 - 25 2005 - 35
Intense Hurricanes (IH) 2004 - 3 2005 - 3
Intense Hurricane Days (IHD) 2004- 6 2005 - 7
Net Tropical Cyclone Activity (NTC) 2004- 115 2005 - 135

Full details athttp://hurricane.atmos.colostate.edu/forecasts/2005/april2005/

i don't think i can go through this again....
guess i'd better invest in that generator soon....


song lyric of the day: "shake it, shake it. shake it like a polaroid picture."