weenies in the city
yes, i'm back from new york.
what a trip! i am officially in love with that city! we had a blast!
i'll start from the beginning...
thursday morning, i got up at 2 a.m., as i had to leave for the airport before 4:00.
our flight was pretty uneventful, arriving at JFK by 9:00. Boo flew out of tampa and met us there.
the city is enormous! i was stunned. we checked into our hotel and left for 5th avenue. i shopped like i had money! i went to louis vuitton, prada, tiffany, and of course...MANOLO BLAHNIK!!! while waiting outside of trump tower, i saw 'the donald'! we even made eye contact. we went to every store imaginable! around noonish, we became exhausted. we made our way back to the hotel.
we shared a suite. the guys shared the bedroom, and i was to share the pullout sofa with "L". well..."L" weighs in at close to 300lbs. we tried to take a nap, but the sofa bed just wasn't made for 4 people. after that i declared that i would spend the rest of the weekend sleeping on the floor.
anyhow, we got up and got ready for our first show. we saw Spamalot. it is hysterical! i laughed until my sides hurt! afterwards, we had a great dinner in times square. i had my first truly new york cosmopolitan! yummy!
back to the hotel by midnight, i took my sleeping pill, and curled up on the floor exhausted. at around 4:30 a.m., "L" started yelling my name. she heard a 'noise' in the bathroom (which happened to be right beside the bed that SHE was fucking sleeping in!). i got up, checked the bathroom, nothing. naturally, i never went back to sleep. bitch!
friday morning, breakfast at the deli, then chinatown! wahoo! chinatown is absolutely crazy! they grab you and offer all kinds of stuff. "hey lady, we got loius vuitton, prada, gucci bags". so i followed one of them to look for a prada for Poo. the shop was filled with yukky bags. i was disappointed, to say the least. then the little chinese girl looked around covertly, and opened up a tiny hole in the back wall of the store. inside a closet-like space was hundreds of designer purses! it was so cool! i stocked up on prada, fendi and chanel while in chinatown. the guys bought two gorgeous movado watches there.
by the way, i didn't take any pictures in chinatown, i was afraid to.
from there, it is a short walk to 'little italy'. good thing my diet was on vacation, too! we ate like hostages! we didn't shop, just ate!
afterwards, we had to get ready for the matinee of Lestat. good show, great music. afterwards, we met the cast and got autographs. sweet!
friday evening, the guys had tickets to "the wedding singer", but we didn't. so, Boo & i went shopping at 'barneys new york'. unfortunately, we got there at 7:30, and they close at 8:00. oh well...their prices made bloomingdales seem like wal-mart!
after barneys closed, Boo made me take a walk in central park. i was terrified (too many episodes of law & order, i guess). but from there, we went to the top of the empire state building. that was really cool, too! after that, cheesecake and drinks near our hotel. then back to my bed upon the floor.
after finally getting a full nights sleep, Bri and i woke up early saturday morning and left everyone else to sleep. we went to every porn shop on 8th avenue, and then over to 6th ave, and hit some of them! from there, we walked to macy's, but they weren't open yet (still before 10 a.m.). so, we took a taxi to 'ground zero'. wow, what a solomn place. it really gets to you. from there, we walked all over. we were in "tribeca" and the tribeca film festival had just started that week. i swear that i saw robert deniro on the street, and he smiled and winked at me!
from tribeca, we walked to chinatown, where everyone else finally met up with us. again, we ate in little italy.
by that time, we had to rush to make it to the matinee of Ave Q. this was easily the funniest show i'd ever seen! (at least up to that point in my life...little did i know what was in store for me that night!). again, we met all of the stars and got autographs.
and again, we ate afterwards. (did i mention that i gained six pounds while in NYC?)
from ave q, we went back to times square and shopped some more. i bought a few tool cd's at the 'virgin megastore'. bri made the comment that i had bought enough 'tools' that day (from our porn shop adventure).
saturday night was the grand finale. we went to see an off-broadway production of Naked Boys Singing. and yes, they are butt naked! the guys managed to get me front row, center. i was dying of embarassment! one naked boy did an opened leg knee slide right in my face. the songs were hilarious! among the songs were, 'i beat my meat' and the weiner song. i laughed until i cried.
sunday morning i got up early and flew home. i cried half way to the airport.
it was a great vacation, a terrific city and i wanna go back!
oh yeah, i almost forgot...weiners in NYC!
song lyric of the day: "i haven't slept a single night in over a month. and not even once did you start to make sense to me. well maybe i'm a little bit slow, or just consistently inconsistent."