rock on gold dust woman....
...take your silver spoon, and dig your grave....
i thought that i would wrap up my gold story. you know how i hate leaving loose ends...
a recap:
it all started in december, 2004. everyone was chicken little. "the coming collapse of the dollar" and all.
buy gold!!! you will die if you don't.
so, i bought gold. i purchased shares of stock in a little gold mine. which is holding its complaints but i am not planning to retire on it.
i also purchased gold through ""
i was looking at it as somewhat of an investment, as i later found out that you cannot play at TGC with GM.
you cannot do *anything* with GM.
oh wait...there is somewhere that GM is spent to...THEIR FUCKING STORAGE FEES!!!
well after six months of not being able to use my gold, or play with my gold, i cashed it in for USD. i must say that the process of changing my gold into USD and transferring into my american bank, was quick and pain-free.
i learned absolutely nothing from this experiment in futility, that i hadn't all ready known...dgc's are pretty freakin' useless. save the fact that they are most likely a get-rich-easily-off-of-others-cash-scheme for doug and james. until the time comes that they can be accepted globally, they are just a novelty.
luckily for me, i only lost $20 in storage fees. could've been much worse.
that chapter in my life is hopefully closed now. onward and upward (ok, that was pretty gay)
i am a real bitch lately. i quit smoking (cold turkey) on july 5th. it hasn't been pretty at all.
i bludgeoned a customer service rep over the phone. as i was banging the phone on my desk and yelling about what thieves her company was, i heard her, "ma'am, i am still here. i can hear you."
so i call my doctor and explain that i need help. he calls in a prescription for me. i go into CVS to pick up the pills, and the new pharmacist insists on reading all of the contraindications to me (including the phrase "it may show up undissolved in your poop"). i was shaking and seizing. then the poor fellow didn't know how to work the credit card reader. after three attempts, i threw $10 at him, grabbed the pills and screamed "gimme the ***damned pills!!!"
i am feeling much better now. i still think about cigarettes every waking moment, but i am not homicidal/suicidal anymore.
it also helps that i re-joined my gym. anytime i want a smoke, i go to the gym. i am doing 1 1/4 miles on the treadmill, 1 1/2 miles on the bike and 6 laps in the pool, daily. then at night and on the weekends they have different classes that i take. i am taking pilates, yoga & body-sculpting. i tried the dancercise, and it was a joke. fat white women with no rhythm, dressed in spandex, have no right to be seen salsa-ing in public....UGH....*shudder*
the last week in june was terrific!
my Pilot came to stay with me for 3 1/2 days. we took one day to go on a casino cruise, from cape canaveral. he also got to meet 'the guys'. we had dinner together one night. and of course, he got to meet 'the fam'. he passed everyone's inspections with....hee hee hee...this is bad....
flying colors....
he left on wednesday afternoon, and thursday morning my cousin & his wife picked poo & i up for key west. we had a great time, of course! stayed til saturday. i'll post the pictures someday...
well, that's my update for now...i am sorry that i take so long between blogs...maybe when life slows down a little bit, i will write more.
oh by the way....i have added another link to this blog. it is the coolest blog ever. check it out:
song lyric continued: "rulers make bad lovers. you'd better put your kingdom up for sale."
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